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12Hr Marine Mammal & Pelagic Bird Watch

Quick Details


Ages 18+

$ 150

Venture out 40-60 miles into the offshore waters of the Atlantic Ocean!

This marine mammal and birding tour in Cape May, New Jersey is led by our team of experienced marine mammal naturalists and researchers, as well as a pelagic bird naturalist. While offshore, we chum for pelagic birds to get that perfect photo opportunity! The American Star has a heated indoor cabin for you to relax while you scout out the beauty of our marine life. eBird checklists are created by our team of experts and shared after the trip.

Possible sightings include:

  • Marine Mammals: Humpback Whales, Fin Whales, Minke Whales, Right Whales, Pilot Whales, Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphins, Risso’s Dolphins and more!
  • Pelagic Birds: Shearwaters, Jaegers, Northern Gannets, Fulmar, Phalaropes, Kittiwakes, Loons, (October-November: Razor Bills, Murres, and Dovekies, Winter: Puffins)
  • Other Species: Sharks (Hammerhead, Thresher, Great White), Sea turtles (Loggerhead, Leatherback, or Green), Oceanic Sunfish, False Albacore, Tuna, Jellyfish and more!

Please note, trips are subject to varying weather and sea conditions. Trips will only sail in favorable weather conditions. Captain will make the final decision if the trip is sailing 48hrs prior to the scheduled cruise.

Prepaid Reservations Only! Due to the special nature of this trip, we are not able to offer the marine mammal guarantee.

Trip summaries:

October 2021, October 2022, November 2022, December 2021, February 2023, November 2023