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Bird Reports and Osprey Nest Observation from the American Star; 2019

Introduction Citizen Science is a project that depends on the collection and analysis of data by members of the general public. These large projects are often collaborative with professional scientists. Citizen science typically is used in the natural sciences, but it can be used in a variety of fields. Many volunteer programs and studies exist…

How Garbage is Harming Adult Ospreys and Their Chicks

How Garbage is Harming Adult Ospreys and Their Chicks Ospreys are one of New Jersey’s largest species of raptors. They have a wingspan of about 59.1 inches to about 70.9 inches, and can weigh from 49.4 ounces to 70.5 ounces (Osprey Life History, n.d.). They are usually easy to spot when flying due to their…